Psychology Of PEOPLE
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The Members Only Area is literally an online massive library of resources from not only The Psychology of PEOPLE, but also from the vast community and interconnected networks.
Membership / Community
The Psychology of PEOPLE . . . is really a movement . . . in helping people to become who they were created to be, helping people reach beyond their potential, their goals, their dreams . . . in every area of their lives, and help all of us to help those people around us.  

The Psychology of PEOPLE community is one of the most powerful aspects of the course.  Every lesson you go through, each time you benefit from what you learned in the course, each Learning Into Earning mastermind group you attend . . . share your 1 Word + Why.  It will lock in your success for you AND will help others to seek to gain the "goose bump moment" that Paul Wyner shares.  
My 1 Word . . . and "why"
Please put your one word in all CAPS and then put a ~ and why.  Examples . . . 

INSIGHTS ~ When Tom Kunz shared the power of personalities / frequencies in helping him personally understand himself more and how it could help every manager learn how to recruit, onboard and retain employees in a systematic way, it created goose bumps. When Rosanna Boersma shared about Business Sense From Everyday Moms and how C-Level Executives could learn how to solve problems at the C-Level and how it could heal people from emotional pain which leads to physical pain . . . double goose bump moments. ~ click here for parts of Lesson #2 ~ 17 Seconds to Quantum Thinking ~ Paul Wyner

AWAKENING ~ I have been through so many personality assessments and trainings.  I've never experienced anything like this in my life.  It's easy enough that a young child can understand it and so thorough that someone with their PhD in Psychology would be inspired and challenged by it.  Everyone in a company should go through this course.  ~ Tom Kunz

DISRUPTION ~ As a past board member of BMW I have experienced many things in business and life and this is outside of anything that corporate America has ever experienced.  This disrupts my thinking . . . in a great way!  ~ Peter Miles

PROFITABLE ~ As a business owner of a number of businesses I have a love for people, but, I sometimes struggle with how to impact people, bring value to people in all areas of their lives and still have a very profitable business.  This course does it!  ~ Jill Calderon
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8 Minute Overview Lesson
Part 2 ~ 31 Minute Lesson
Part 3 ~ 29 Minute Lesson
Lesson #2
17 Seconds to Quantum Thinking
The Psychology of PEOPLE . . . is really a movement . . . in helping people to become who they were created to be, helping people reach beyond their potential, their goals, their dreams . . . in every area of their lives, and helping all of us to help those people around us.  

The Psychology of PEOPLE community is one of the most powerful aspects of the course.  Every lesson you go through, each time you see a benefit from what you learned in the course, each Learning TO Earning mastermind group you attend . . . share your 1 Word + Why.  It will lock in your success for you AND will help others to seek to gain the "goose bump moment" that Paul Wyner shares.  
Each of the 7 lessons consist of roughly an 8 minute overview, a 20 to 30 minute lesson and then up to a 30 minute Q&A.  
A group of individuals who are going through the lesson in real life.  You can gain the same experience by joining a mastermind discussion / action group.